I.N.S.E.C.T. Summercamp 2022
Multispecies Worlding as Design Practice
The camp was organized by Asya Ilgun, Dilan Özkan, Laurin Kilbert and Svenja Keune working across 3 EU countries. The pilot project I.N.S.E.C.T Summercamp 2022 investigates strategies for a life-centered design, to build factual and tacit knowledge and community. Since biodiversity is declining globally, the summercamp is a place for scholars, students and practitioners of various disciplines to investigate creative approaches to design for multispecies cohabitation in our shared ecosystems. The acronym I.N.S.E.C.T. grew from our practice: An INterSpecies Exploration through biodigital Craft and manufacturing Technologies. Here it’s used as a term to embrace small organisms that do not commonly attract human attention.

overview of the 3D printed clay & mycelium modules for the facade installation / wall twin

installation of the sensors to monitor the material interaction

Wall installation of the multispecies habitat, that was designed and produced during the first summecamp at University Newcastle (HBBE)

vivid assembly of the prototype on the last day by workshop participants
The camp was organized by Asya Ilgun, Dilan Özkan, Laurin Kilbert and Svenja Keune working across 3 EU countries and was conducted in two parts in UK and Denmark:
#1 HBBE Newcastle University (UK) Designing for native insect species, using 3D printing of clay, Open Source Sensors, textile and living mycelium. During 10 days of work the 9 participants developed and fabricated a living prototype to provide habitat for insects and mycelium. It’s now installed and monitored at the façade of the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment at Newcastle University. The 9 participants came from 4 different continents to mediate between the needs of architecture, insects, fungi, technology, crafts and humans.
#2 Hvalso (DK) Being with the more-than-human, in Hvalso in the Danish countryside, complementary to the urban context of the first part. The program of workshops, talks and performances was organized through a dynamic process of co-creation by the 35 participants. Exploring sustainability as a process rather than an outcome and questioning the paradigms of industrialized societies towards nature was at the heart of the second part.
The I.N.S.E.C.T SC aims to form an international vibrant community of like-minded researchers, students, and practitioners that exceeds the duration of the camp, where exchanges among disciplines and knowledge traditions can thrive to nurture a culture of ecological kinship.

Wall-piece to provide shared habitat of funghi and insects

poster by Dan Parker
overview of the prototype and the used materials

group foto of the participants & organizers of the first workshop at University Newcastle (HBBE)

Group foto of the co-creators of the second workshop at Hvalsø, Denmark

co-created workshop with artist Rūta Žemčugovaitė

Workshop to discover the smells of ants with artist Kuai Shen

Laurin Kilbert
Laurin Kilbert is an artist, designer & co-funder of the symbiotic spaces collective, based in Germany. He works on 3D Clay printing, multispecies habitats/installations for urban contexts and crafts.